Preventing problems with cavities, gum disease and other oral health issues can factor heavily in your quality of life. Our dentist notes that maintaining a healthy mouth starts with practicing a consistent and effective oral hygiene routine. Brushing your teeth twice a day as well as flossing in the evening can help to remove residual sugar and food particles as... read more »
Dental crowns are designed with a lot of durability so that daily chewing and grinding won’t cause them to crack. When you come see the dentist for a dental crown, our team creates a detailed impression of the teeth in your smile, but an off-site dental lab typically handles the creation of the crown itself. To help you learn more... read more »
Tooth loss problems linked to untreated cavities and gum disease can leave you with significantly hampered oral function and an unattractive smile. Many people with a mouth in this condition also experience issues with the clarity of their speech and potential periodontal infections. In some of these cases, a dentists like Dr. Paul Szmanda might recommend extracting the compromised teeth... read more »
At Szmanda Dental Marathon, our dentist, Dr. Paul Szmanda, is happy to offer dental sealants to help each patient maintain the top-notch smile they need and deserve. If you’re interested in having strong and healthy teeth, it’s time to consider using this beneficial dental product. To help you know all about dental sealants so you can make the best decision... read more »
If you are unsure what age your child should begin using mouthwash, our dentist and team are happy to provide the details and information you need to help your child have good oral health. Our dental team is committed to helping your child have the best possible oral health and happy smile, and we are happy to provide some tips... read more »
How would you assess your oral health care? Are you doing enough to keep your smile safe as much as possible? Are you taking care of your teeth and gums to advocate oral hygiene routines, lifestyle choices, and a safe and healthy diet? If you have not already done so, make a checklist of all aspects of your life in... read more »
Broken smiles don’t need to be forever damaged. If you have chipped, cracked or discolored teeth, don’t lose hope of ever smiling again! We can help you at Szmanda Dental Marathon. Teeth become damaged not only from a violent blow to the mouth, but for many less exciting reasons that include poor dental hygiene (ignoring tooth decay and gum disease),... read more »
Do you ever wonder why dental exams are necessary? If so, our dentist, Dr. Paul Szmanda, is more than happy to tell you why. Dental exams are a vital portion of your dental checkups that helps you in a myriad of ways. To help you understand, they is happy to tell you all about the benefits involved in dental exams,... read more »
Each of your teeth depends on the healthy structural integrity of the tooth enamel to perform its role in biting, chewing, or processing the foods you consume. When chronic poor oral hygiene and persistent plaque acids build up in the mouth and area of demineralized tooth enamel could potentially foster a cavity. This might start out as a minor change... read more »
Are you interested in improving the appearance of your smile with dental veneers but are nervous about receiving dental care? If so, we would be happy to offer further information about your treatment procedure to help you feel more prepared and at ease during your visit. We invite you to learn more about dental veneers by reviewing the following description... read more »