Attitude of Gratitude — What does that mean to you?
At Szmanda Dental feel we are so fortunate to live and work in the communities that we do! We have amazing patients and awesome communities that we are part of. It’s important our patients know how much we appreciate them — so we decided to show it by sharing the smiles! Last year we focused on giving back to some of our most loyal patients with the Patient of the Month. Giving custom gifts we knew each patient would truly enjoy.
This year we have started to Share the Smiles where we focus on surrounding businesses. We recently visited the communities of Wittenberg, Tigerton and Birnamwood. To thank the School District employees and random area businesses, our very own Kristi and Heather tackled the cold temperatures and hand delivered fresh goodies. The best part is that making surprise visits with even small tokens of appreciation not only made the recipients happy, but also left us feeling more appreciative for the other hard-working people of our communities! We visited the following businesses: