Putting Patients First!

The Benefits of a Dental Exam

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Do you ever wonder why dental exams are necessary? If so, our dentist, Dr. Paul Szmanda, is more than happy to tell you why. Dental exams are a vital portion of your dental checkups that helps you in a myriad of ways. To help you understand, they is happy to tell you all about the benefits involved in dental exams, which are:

-Dental exams can identify any dental problems. Your dentist will use dental X-rays, dental tools, and dental techniques to thoroughly examine your teeth and gums. This will give them a chance to see if you suffer any cavities, gum disease, enamel erosion, and more. If you do have a problem, it can be treated right away.

-Dental exams can identify oral cancer. In fact, your dentist will perform an oral cancer screening without you even knowing. Your dentist will check your oral tissues, mouth, and throat for signs of oral cancer. If a problem is detected, a biopsy will be performed and you will be informed of the following steps.

-Dental exams can give you a better idea of how to care for your smile. This is because your dentist will detect any weak spots in your mouth. Then, they will give you the tips you need to accomplish stronger and better teeth and gums.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about dental exams in Marathon, Wisconsin, please contact Szmanda Dental Marathon today at 715-443-2247. We also recommend scheduling an appointment if you’re due for your next checkup. Our dental team looks forward to hearing from and helping you!