So, what do you feel is the most popular reason people don’t go see the dentist? Fear, right? Nope. According to a national survey done by Cigna, it’s COST as the #1 reason why we don’t go to the dentist, with fear trailing right behind.
Everything these days can be expensive, with healthcare right up near the top. The fact is that the more you procrastinate about seeing the dentist, the more it will end up costing you in the end when something like a toothache will force you to go in. If you keep things in check with at least yearly visits to the dentist, (although it’s best to come in every 6 months for a cleaning and check to make sure your chompers are in pristine shape), the better it will be for you in the long run.
Szmanda Dental Center works with a lot of different dental insurances. We do our best for our patients to get the most out of their yearly insurance benefits when needed. We prioritize dental treatment and let you know what needs to be done now and what you may possibly need in the future so you have an idea of costs. Nothing is a surprise at our office. We can preauthorize your recommended treatment so you know exactly what your out-of-pocket costs will be so you know prior to your appointment what you will owe. We would appreciate co-payments to be made at the time of service to cut down on billing. Larger co-payments (with doctor approval) can be paid over a period of time.
For those patients who aren’t lucky enough to have dental insurance, we do offer payment plans when approved and we also offer Care Credit, which offers a low APR. If you need treatment, we will absolutely work our hardest to offer a way for you to have it done.
Please don’t let cost or fear or whatever the situation is keep you away from keeping a healthy mouth. Having a healthy mouth plays a big factor in your overall health so make an appointment today. We’d love to see you and your smile!